Report to:

Lead Member for Resources and Climate Change


Date of meeting:


25 June 2024


Chief Operating Officer



Renting of open storage space at Brampton Road Eastbourne



To agree that East Sussex County Council will take a lease for a further 18 months of open storage space at Brampton Road Eastbourne. This is to facilitate Eastbourne Town Centre project works.


The Lead Member for Resources and Climate Change is recommended to: 

1)           Agree that East Sussex County Council take a new lease for 18 months of land in Brampton Road Eastbourne, to be used as open storage space; and


2)           Delegate authority to the Chief Operating Officer to determine the detailed terms of the lease, to approve the final lease negotiations and the signing of the lease by East Sussex County Council (ESCC) and to take any other actions considered appropriate to give effect to the above recommendation.



1             Background


1.1          As part of Phase 2a of the Eastbourne Town Centre Improvement Scheme (ETCIS), a new pedestrian zone will be introduced on Terminus Road, Cornfield Road and Langney Road, including the northern section of Bolton Road. The scheme consists of a complementary package of improvements, building on the already completed Phase 1 improvements. Phase 2a will create a pedestrianised area at the eastern end of the primary retail corridor. In Eastbourne Town Centre, (Bolton Road/Langney Road) and a high-quality urban environment on the middle section of Terminus Road.


1.2          The Council is the Highway Authority and its contractors are progressing with Phase 2a of ECTIS which involves updating the townscape of Eastbourne Town centre with use of paving, stonework and other materials. These materials are being supplied in bulk from overseas and need to be stored safely until required to be used as part of the townscape works.


1.3          A storage facility is required as close as possible to the town centre to reduce transportation costs. The Council identified a suitable site that was formerly in use as a factory in Brampton Road Eastbourne, close to Hampden Park. A 12 month lease was entered into that commenced in May 2023 following a Lead Member decision on 23 May 2023 - Issue - items at meetings - Renting of storage facility for Eastbourne public works at 41 Brampton Road | East Sussex County Council. A plan of the land to be leased is attached as Appendix 1.


1.4          There remains a need for storage of materials as the improvement works are still ongoing.


1.5          The Council has undertaken a search for alternative sites, supported by local commercial property agents, but no viable alternative sites could be identified. Secure open storage land is in short supply. There were a small number of sites identified in locations outside of central Eastbourne that were available at a lesser rent (on a price per square foot basis); however, these sites were discounted due to the increased travel time and lack of convenience from the works in Eastbourne Town Centre (as the site will need to be frequently accessed).


2              Supporting information


2.1          The Council has occupied the site since 8 February 2023, taking a 12-month lease in May 2023 that expired on 24 May 2024. The rent was £65,000 per annum exclusive.


2.2          The new lease is proposed to be based broadly on the same terms as the previous lease, save for the rent and term. The rent is to increase to £70,000 per annum exclusive and the term is to increase to 18 months. The lease is to include a rolling break option throughout the term, allowing the Council to serve two months’ notice to terminate the lease at any time, should the project complete early or the need for storage requirements cease.


2.3              The draft lease terms are included in Appendix 2.


2.4               All costs and expenditure involved are to be incorporated in the budget of the

Eastbourne Town Centre Improvement Scheme.


3          Conclusion and reasons for recommendations


3.1         Due to the ongoing need for storage of bulk materials needed for Phase 2a of the Eastbourne Town Centre Improvement scheme, in close proximity to the Town Centre, it is recommended that the Lead Member for Resources and Climate Change:


3.1.1  Agree that East Sussex County Council take a new lease for 18 months of land in Brampton Road Eastbourne, to be used as open storage space; and


3.2.2     Delegate authority to the Chief Operating Officer to determine the detailed terms of the lease to approve the final lease negotiations and the signing of the lease by East Sussex County Council (ESCC) and to take any other actions considered appropriate to give effect to the above recommendation.




Chief Operating Officer


Contact Officers:


Rebecca Lewis, Head of Estate Management and Disposal

Tel: 07955 312 371




Councillor Colin Swansborough


